Stock Plan

Stock Plan Routes

Stock option plan is used to create and track stock plans for any given issuedId.


  • Description: Creates a new stock plan.
  • Method: POST
  • Parameters (body):
    • issuerId: The ID of the issuer (string).
    • data: The stock plan data (object with the following fields):
      • plan_name: The name of the stock plan (string).
      • board_approval_date: The board approval date (string, format: YYYY-MM-DD).
      • stockholder_approval_date: The stockholder approval date (string, format: YYYY-MM-DD).
      • initial_shares_reserved: The number of initial shares reserved (string).
      • default_cancellation_behavior: The default cancellation behavior (string).
      • stock_class_id: The ID of the stock class (string).
      • comments: Additional comments (array of strings).
    "issuerId": "92dddedd-251d-47cd-83ac-342f00e3d5a1",
    "data": {
        "plan_name": "Transfer Agent Protocol Employee Stock Option Plan",
        "board_approval_date": "2023-08-15",
        "stockholder_approval_date": "2023-08-20",
        "initial_shares_reserved": "1000000",
        "default_cancellation_behavior": "RETURN_TO_POOL",
        "stock_class_id": "stock-class-12345", // important
        "comments": [
            "This stock plan is designed for TAP employees and provides options that can be converted to company stock."


  • Description: Retrieves details of a stock plan by ID.
  • Method: GET
  • Parameters (URL):
    • id: The ID of the stock plan (string).


  • Description: Retrieves the total number of stock plans.
  • Method: GET