Vesting Terms

Vesting Terms Routes


  • Description: Creates new vesting terms.
  • Method: POST
  • Parameters (body):
    • issuerId: The ID of the issuer (string).
    • data: The vesting terms data (object with the following fields):
      • name: The name of the vesting terms (string).
      • description: The description of the vesting terms (string).
      • allocation_type: The allocation type (string).
      • vesting_conditions: The vesting conditions (array of objects with fields id, description, trigger, quantity, next_condition_ids).


  • Description: Retrieves details of vesting terms by ID.
  • Method: GET
  • Parameters (URL):
    • id: The ID of the vesting terms (string).


  • Description: Retrieves the total number of vesting terms.
  • Method: GET